
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So, I have been feeling the urge to blog lately, but not knowing what to say. This is a new concept for me as I love to talk. I’ve been putting pressure on myself to have the perfect words to share with you all, to have perfect grammar and a perfect message. Which if you know me, is odd because I don’t often strive for perfection as an end goal.

I want to share a story. Today I got coffee with a friend which is nothing new, but on my drive home I decided to take the long way home with a quick detour to my old church and community at Robbins. There I got to sit in the parking lot and just have some quality Jesus Jams, I haven’t done this since high school. My current jam is “There is a Cloud” by Elevation Worship. This song just takes me back to Simpson Park summer 2018. Our Wellspring team sang it most days and it just struck a chord in my heart. There are times in my life where different songs touch my heart as if He is speaking right to me. There is a line in the song that goes “For the dry season is over, there is a cloud beginning to swell.”

All honesty here, for the last five-ish months I have been in a pretty dry season when it comes to a relationship with Jesus. I haven’t been attending church with many excuses attached. But, I can tell that I am coming out of that dry season with quality relationships, accountability to get back in the word, and friends who go out of their way to invite me to church with them. I don’t have any big revelation with this dry spell coming to an end, except that I am ready to be found wading through the flood that is His love and His promises. The song ends with “And with great anticipation, we await your promise to come, everything you have spoken will come to pass, let it be done! We receive your rain!”

This is how I feel in anticipation for the Race. So many who have gone on this trip before me share the growth they experience in their relationship with Him. The promises that they have been given, come to fruition. They experience Him in ways that can’t even be described until you go through it yourself. I cannot wait to try to share these moments with you in the next year and a half, as well as the ministry that is taking place all around this world. My plan is to update the blog often by sharing my heart for this Kingdom Journey as well as what He is teaching me in this season of coming out of drought and into the flood and the growth that will come.

Also, a little update, my team and I are FIVE MONTHS from launch which is just crazy! We have so many group chats where we are preparing physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and financially. There is a lot of preparation to come, and if you would like to partner in this preparation, I would LOVE prayers. I will be creating a list of prayer requests soon, so if you want those, be sure to subscribe to this blog so you can see it when it is posted! 

I also have an update from the financial department. I am about 30% funded of my 19,000$ goal. I am praying over the date June 5, 2019 for the date that the funds be fully in by. If you would like to partner with this mission financially in 2019 you can click donate, or send me money on Venmo or Paypal. You can also write a check and send it to Adventures in Missions. This information can be found in the blog (Family, Friends, and Faithful Supporters.)

Finally, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for those of you who have partnered financially in the last few months, your support and gift mean the absolute world to me and you are a blessing to this mission and the work that God is doing ll around the world already! 


I guess I just needed to sit down a write because the words just FLOODED out. And always, subscribe so you can follow along on this journey!


Love Always,


Lamentations 3:22-23 – The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

One response to “There is a CLOUD.”

  1. Kristin your dad and I are waiting and watching as you prepare for your race and anticipate the changes that are enevitable in your life. So excited for you yet nervous for ourselves as we release you into God’s capable and faithful hands. Know that we are praying daily for your spiritual growth, protection and His provision as you prepare. We love you!!! Oxoxoxo, Mom