
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

GOSH. I dont even know where to begin, I am excited to share my stories of the last 10 days of training camp but if I am totally honest, I dont know how to express how much these last 240 hours have meant to me and my foundation with God for the next 11 months and onward to eternity. I will share the stories, please be patient with me. But until then just know that God is overwhelming me into His love and I am working towards understanding and accepting what that fully means for my life. I am also learning how to dive into community with full vulnerability and how to receive feedback (something I am sure I will talk about .. beep boop .. calling someone to acknowledge who they are in Christ and then calling them higher it really is a beautiful process). So, just an update, my squad (36 racers), leadership (13 amazing humans) and my team (7 sisters from the Mister) are about to head off to Granada, Nicaragua starting at 1:30 pm on June 15, 2019. We will be there at about 2:30 am tomorrow. Our first real travel day! It is so real guys! I would love prayers for peace as my team and I enter into this 11 month journey, I know I cant be the only one feeling a little (ok a lot) overwhelmed. For a renewed excitement to walk out the great commission and partner with the kingdom work going on all over in the global church! And for health, many of my squad mates are getting sick and it will only get worse (thankful for those preschool germs that boosted my immunity!) we need lots of rest and a day for the sabbath! Thank you everyone for your prayers, so much love for you all, you are a part of my church encouraging me on this journey! Oh and prayers for safe travel! 🙂  

3 responses to “only 240 hours, HA!”

  1. Kristin thanks for sharing. It was great to be with you in Nicaragua. Hope you didn’t get sick. Praying for you all.

  2. Many prayers for your squad and each of you as you embark on this ultimate spiritual journey. Prayers for safety, good health, and a seamless travels. Sending all the love – to each of you.

  3. So happy for all of you! I can’t wait to see God work through your team. May His Word be the lamp for your feet and the light for your path.