
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Fernando my friend, 

You were/are such an encouragement to me to never give up on praying for people. As my team and I walked around a new part of Granada I had been feeling conflicted because I felt we weren’t meeting new people, only the people that our translators knew needed prayer (when in reality doesn’t everyone need prayer?). My team and I have been prayer walking for 2 weeks now in Granada and I was just starting to feel the boldness to pray for new people, and then we passed your house, Fernando. 

When we first entered into your “humble home” as you called it, we were welcomed in with such love and hospitality. Your love for the Lord was so evident the moment we walked through your gate. 

I had been getting discouraged with the way we would just walk into someones yard or home and ask if we could pray for them and then leave. But your home was just different. You shared your stories, concerns for your family and the desires you have for bettering your community and country. When we were praying for you, I was reminded that it isn’t our prayers that fix things while God hears us, He also hears those who have those requests. After we finished praying for you, I felt the desire to share a little about the power of persistent prayer in my own life for my brother. 

Mere, my team leader, said she just saw the shift happen in your eyes as I shared. I was also able to remind you that it isn’t just “the missionaries” prayers that God hears, but your own prayers. He hears your prayers Fernando, and He loves when you pray with Him. 

So we circled up again and Gustavo (our translator) gave us your words in English. Fernando, your prayers moved me to tears as we saw the Father listening to His child so well. It was one of the most beautiful prayers I had ever heard, full of genuine love for your Father. Others on my team shared words of encouragement with you, but I couldn’t help but share one more thing (and I hope to tell every other child of the King that I meet), “Fernando, your daddy in Heaven loves talking with you”. 

As I watched your heart swell once more, I pray you continue to be encouraged and talk to your father daily. To be a prayer warrior for your family, community, and country. While we probably won’t be able to come, thank you for inviting us back to meet your beautiful family before we leave Nicaragua – it shows how genuinely hospitable you are to strangers like us.  

I hope you are reassured with the fact that one day my whole team and I will meet your family as we are reunited as brothers and sisters in Christ in Heaven. And goodness, you’re also going to get to meet a big ole family that is called the Body of Christ living all across the world! 

I will finally get to meet your blood brother and you’ll get to meet mine, what a glorious day that will be! So until that day, I will continue to persistently be in prayer for tu hermano.


Tu hermana en Cristo, 

Kristin (aka Christine)





To anyone else reading this, please know that your prayers are valid & valued and your daddy in Heaven loves talking with __________ (fill in your name). Don’t stop praying, things happen in His timing, yes & amen.